Personal data

The information collected from the contact or account creation form is processed by AVENTURE NORDIQUE for the purposes of administrative or commercial relationship management, in particular to respond to user requests or order follow-up.

By submitting the form, you accept that the information you have entered will be processed and used by Mon Réchaud in its capacity as data controller, its internal departments in charge of making appointments and/or answering queries, the subcontractor managing the web server, and any other legally authorized person. This data will be kept for three years from the last contact, it being understood that you may withdraw your consent and request the deletion of your data at any time.

In accordance with the European Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) and the amended French Data Protection Act (Loi Informatique et Libertés), you have the right to request from the data controller access to your personal data, rectification or deletion thereof, or a limitation thereof, portability of your data and the possibility of defining directives concerning the fate of your data after your death.

You can exercise your rights at the following address: In the event of a dispute, you can contact the CNIL and you also have the right to refer the matter to the CNIL in the event of a dispute not resolved by our services.