Primus Fire Stick Ti

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Cylindrical gas stove that fits easily in the pocket of a backpack. Burner head protected from the wind and during transport. Titanium version. +
  • +++ Note PoidsDescription poids au survol
  • +++ Note PuissanceDescription puissance au survol
  • +++ Note Protection au ventDescription protection au vent au survol
  • +++ Note SoliditéDescription solidité au survol
  • ++ Note StabilitéDescription stabilité au survol
  • +++ Note EncombrementDescription encombrement au survol
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The Primus Firestick Stove Ti is designed to occupy as little space as possible in your gear, without compromising function and quality. The difference is that the Firestick Stove Ti features titanium pot supports, making the stove even lighter.

Here as well, the stove incorporates optimal wind protection due to the design of the pot supports and burner. This makes the stove able to stand up to the toughest weather conditions and deliver when it really counts, despite its compact design. The stove is also equipped with our latest valve which adjusts the flow of gas and ensures that you get optimal output at varying temperatures.

The stove includes a tailored wool storage pouch that can also be used as a pot gripper, as well as our new Piezo igniter which lights the stove with the click of a button so you don’t have to fiddle with a lighter or matches.


  • The design makes for a stove compact and light as possible.

  • The pot support provides the flame with good wind protection.

  • A narrow flame fits small pots well and works better in windy conditions.

  • Control valves allows for and extremely precise flame adjustment.

  • The minimalistic design with few parts makes the stove robust.

  • Regulated valve for enhanced performance.

  • Pot supports protects the stove when packed.

  • The pot support closes neathly with a click mechanism.

  • No protuding parts when folede makes it easy to pack.

  • Wool sleeve and piezo igniter included.

Manufacturer Primus
Name Firestick Stove Ti
Article number P351190
EAN 7330033910070
Fuel type Gas
Materials Titanium
Number of people 1-2 people
Output 2500 W - 8530 BTU/h
Boiling time 3.30 min
Burn time 1 h 15 min with a 230 g gas cartridge
Dimensions Ø 36 x 103 mm
Weight 89 g
Canister Primus, MSR, Optimus, Jetboil screw-in valve cartridges. (cartridge not supplied)
Ignition Piezoelectric
Accessoiries Storage bag
Warranty 2 years
Weight +++
Solidity +++
Power +++
Stability ++
Compact +++
Wind protection +++
Country of Manufacture Estonia